This research aimed at gaining Teenage's interpretation and opinion about the life style enacted in the Indonesian Teenage theme films, and also at comparing the reality between those in the viewer's life style and those in the films.
This was an explorative research which attempted to explore, identificate, and figure out the Teenage's significance and acceptance of the life style representation , which is performed in Indonesian Teenage theme film, and how they negotiate the meaning on behaft of the letter acquired in line with particular social circumstances. The informative exploration process, identification, and apprehension of the significance and also public interpretation are inclusive of the audience reception studies with reception analysis method And this tied to the analysis undertaken to the public for observing their interpretation and opinion about film, including the public representation about life styles' actual symbolic representation in Indonesian Teenage theme films.
The Teenage on this research were
The Depth interview were done to these five informants so as to gain their opinions, interpretations, and informations about the topic of this research. The research
object was the qualitative narrations resulted from the depth interview,then they were analyzed, interpreted and dealt with the case formulation of this research. Advance justification from the informants would be analyzed and interpretated, specific particular things captured repeatedly from the interview would be the points of research analysis and were the significant part in the explanative process of discovered phenomenon.
The research encountered that there was a gap between the artificial reality on the film and the true reality which was done and experienced by the informants. Thus, the Teenage interpretated those films only as an entertainment. Then, as the entertainment product, those teen movies were not considered reflecting or representing the Teenage's life style, but it was admitted that there was a beneficial value which could be imitated and, perhaps, exercised in their daily life. As far, there was a profound disparity and gap between the real teen life style and what performed on the film, therefore, the value transference fancied by the film maker wasn't accomplished maximally. On the other hand, this phenomena determined their high selectivity in choosing which values are deserved to them, so they would just adopt the beneficial value, and ignore the disadvantaged values or one with the dreadful impact.